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(photo by Riserva MAB Delta del Po)
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(photo by Riserva MAB Delta del Po)
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(photo by Riserva MAB Delta del Po)

Po Delta: Man, Nature and Development

In Italy there is only one delta, namely the Po Delta, that is the biggest national reserve made of wetlands and flowing into the sea without barriers. The territory proposed as Biosphere Reserve plays a conservation role, thanks to the presence of the three characterizing landscapes that are recognizable going towards the sea, from the ancient Delta to the coastal dunes and making place for the water to flow into the active delta slotting into it.

The Delta del Po Unesco MAB Reserve includes the territories situated in the delta river of Emilia-Romagna and Venetia, covering a total surface of almost 140,000 hectares, in the three typologies of areas planned for each Man-and-Biosphere Reserve: Core, Buffer and Transition areas, as it is shown in the detail of the map.

The Core areas represent the 10% of the MAB Reserve (13,495 ha) and include the most important and representative areas from the natural perspective. The Buffer areas cover 40% of the total surface (55,281 ha) and they function as buffers around the core areas. The Transition areas cover the 50% of the total MAB territory (70,622 ha) and are dedicated to the development of human activities for the improvement of the general, economic and social wellness of the local communities.

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Identity Card
Surface Area: 139'398.00 ha
Provinces: RO, FE
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